Oculus Rift + Kinect + Wii Balance Board = hoverboard ride of your dreams

Oculus Rift + Kinect + Wii Balance Board = hoverboard ride of your dreams

Just when you thought your childhood dream of hoverboarding would never materialize … Enter: project Hoverboard VR, a virtual reality setup that simulates those bodacious fictional levitating skateboards of the ’90s. Jiggered together from gaming peripherals that don’t get out much these days, the setup uses a Wii Fit Balance Board and Kinect 1.0 to make you feel like Marty McFly. Well, not quite. The virtual environment is not quite up to snuff, with a rudimentary pre-PS1 poly-count and wireframe, but as a proof of concept this is amazing stuff. And you thought you’d never have reason to pull your Balance Board out of the closet again.