The Art of the Algorithm exhibition aims to make hidden systems viewable

Did you know that more than 90% of the world’s data has been produced in the last three years? Christian Rudder, author of the new book Dataclysm and founder of dating site OkCupid calls this abstract and imperceptive mass “an irresistible sociological opportunity” and writes “You know the science is headed to undiscovered country when someone can hear your parents fighting in the click-click-click of a mouse.”

But making sense of the scope of data is a completely different task and the London-based information design firm Signal Noise wants to help you understand what data and algorithms–the rules that dictate their behavior–actually looks like. The Art of the Algorithm goes live tomorrow at Studio 2 as part of the London Design Festival. It’s a curated selection of static, motion and interactive visualizations “which explain how algorithms work and reveal the hidden systems and processes that make the modern world tick.”
String Theories by Robert Wilson and Matthew Falla, information designer and partner at Signal Noise, respectively, asks you a series of questions and leaves your answers via a trail. Carlo Zapponi‘s Sorting (right) shows how some of the most famous “sorting algorithms” work and Chrisoph Thüer and Simon Haenggi, aka design collective Visualpilots, are debuting A Thousand Times Me, which is heavily influenced by prominent fractals like the Mandelbrot set or Koch Snowflake.
You can see more about The Art of the Algorithm here.