Can’t keep up with mainstream game news. Let our cheat sheet help.

There’s a lot of gaming news out there. We know. It’s tough to keep up. So we’re going to make things easier for you.  Here’s what you need to know:

1. There’s a new Wii coming.
2. Rockstar Games has released new screen shots of Max Payne.
3. Minecraft, that Swedish digging sensation, has hit more than 2 million downloads
4. Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi has a new video up for his upcoming game Child of Eden.
5. Sony’s PlayStation Network went down last week. The company’s struggling for a fix.
6. Norio Ohga, Sony Chairman who gave the world CDs and PlayStation, has passed on at 81
7. Study shows that kids who spend too much time staring at screens run the risk of narrowing retinal arterioles. 

See that wasn’t so bad.