Sports games can make you the MVP hero of your dreams. But professional sports aren’t based on athleticism alone; traits like sportsmanship and agreeableness have a large impact on a team’s success. New sports games like 2K11 and New Star Soccer consider these ulterior aspects to play, enabling the
Most sports stories play out the same way. Two baseball narratives, The Rookie and The Natural, offer a different understanding of the game by beginning at the end. Our sports columnist responds in-game.
The bifurcation of society into jocks and geeks was supposed to end with high school. So why do the two groups eye each other with mutual suspicion? Our sports columnist argues that the videogame community has wrongly ousted sports gamers.
An experimental videogame called Hokra invites comparisons to sports, but not only for its rules. For Abe Stein, sport is a feeling that runs deeper than the inner workings of games, existing in the events and dramas that we cause to emerge from them. So how do a few pixel squares pull that off, and
How would snow or Tebow factor into the upcoming Superbowl? In anticipation of this weekend’s game of all games, Abe Stein shares his findings on various simulation matches via Madden 2012.