Adnan Agha

Play of the Day: Wolfenstein 3D, 20 years later

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Wolfenstein 3D, the monumentally important first person shooter has been released for free on the Apple app store and browsers. The game still manages to be fun and the history of the first person shooter is very evident within it. Even though you can’t aim, you c

PAUSE: Japan’s working (mini) transformer

From the “Awesome things Japan has made” department comes another demonstration of robotic expertise. Today’s feature is a working, miniature transformer: Video [Via Reddit]

How a simple gesture could completely change impressions of a project

If you know your science fiction, you know of Ender’s Game (and if you haven’t read it, you should). What you may not know is that Ender’s Game is being adapted into a film written and directed by Gavin Hood (of Tsotsi and X-Men Origins: Wolverine). The team has been keeping some good notes on the p

Why Assassin’s Creed 3’s inclusion of slavery is so important

Cinemablend‘s Pete Haas has reported that Assassin’s Creed 3, set during the American Revolution, will deal with slavery. Matt Turner, the game’s lead writer spoke about the subject saying: It’s something we’ve been very aware of. We feel that kind of a subject deserves a certain amount attention be