Ever wondered what consoles look like before they come out? A user over at Reddit posted a few pictures of development kits for the PS2, GameCube, Xbox and Dreamcast: My how much they..er..shrunk. [Via Reddit]
If you’ve seen the comic-book film The Avengers, you know that its military presence is perplexingly slight. There are a couple jets, a few weapons here and there. The truth is that the U.S. military was (somewhat surprisingly) uneasy about being involved in the project. Well, that’s strange: They w
It’s been a while. Let’s see if I still remember how to do this: – Rovio, the studio behind a little game called Angry Birds has announced their earnings. All 106 million dollars of them. – Microsoft has announced a new deal for anyone still looking for an Xbox 360. For 99 dollars you get a 360 with
People often mean more than they say, but psychologist James Pennebaker would argue that sometimes even they don’t realize it. From his research, he’s found out a lot about people’s relationships based on the way they talk to each other and it’s a lot subtler than one person talking louder than the
Not the biggest news day, but what would you expect from a Monday? – The Max Payne 3 PC specs have been revealed. – The Walking Dead game is coming out on PC, Mac, PS3 tomorrow. – The Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year edition has been announced and will include all previously released DLC as well