Brendan Keogh

The War Must Go On

Brendan Keogh examines the overlap between games and cinema via the Modern Warfare series and asks how much control the player has or even wants.

Freedom in Alcatraz

Brendan Keogh on the great freedom of being trapped inside a body. In our first column on playable characters, we look at the bionically augmented Alcatraz from Crysis 2 and the lessons learned from Shawshank Prison.

Review: Terraria

Terraria is the anti-Minecraft. It’s too bad it was released too early. Brendan Keogh explores Terraria‘s potential despite its lack of refinement.

Review: Ninja

A game to make you feel like a 10-year-old on the playground again.

A Sackboy Says No Words

Helen calls them the “Hurrah!” buttons. L2 + R2 + both analog sticks held upwards. Whenever she wins the most points on a LittleBigPlanet level, she presses these buttons, and her grinning Sackgirl lifts both arms in the air in wordless celebration. My Sackboy, meanwhile, tends to scowl and storm of