We’ve been watching Titan Souls since it emerged from Ludum Dare last year, a slim, four-boss experience made in three days that nevertheless featured remarkably confident art direction, music, and pacing. (In fact, we gave it a Playlist nod as soon as it emerged.) It has since septupled in size, th
The Long Dark is set to hit Steam Early Access on September 22. The game is being developed by Hinterland Games, which founder and creative director Raphael Van Lierop told us is situated in “an old mining town nestled at the foot of a mountain range” in Cumberland, British Columbia. The cold creeps
Imagine this thing stalking behind your houseplants, or peering from behind the claw-foot of your bathtub. Designers Dennaton games have partnered with ESC-TOY to create this toy (“doll,” I feel like some people would say) version of the protagonist of their 2012 instant-classic Hotline Miami. The c