Clayton Purdom

New trailer for The Division shows off a bunch of really boring stuff

Here’s the thing: The Division looks great. I mean that it literally looks very pretty and that it also looks like it might be a really interesting game. Ubisoft is pretty good at this stuff. The problem is that you’d never guess it from the trailer that dropped over the weekend, which carefully dod

Here are a bunch of indie games apparently worth $1

A website called is spewing out indie games today for $1 apiece. These are, generally, of the XBLIG or Greenlight Gold level of artistic merit: either a jagged rip-off of a preexisting game or an attempt at something bigger marred by colored-pencil artwork. We bring this up not to shit

Kick back and watch Mario take a trip into hallucinogenic hell

“I can’t make him look normal guys, something tells me it’s gonna get worse,” Vinesauce intones at the start of this corrupted Mario 64 video, and in this prediction he is correct. This thing belongs in the glitch hall of fame. Mario’s big beautiful face, at the outset, appears to have been frozen j