There’s been a proliferation lately of games that address mental illness – particularly anxiety and depression. From the brilliant, difficult Actual Sunlight to today’s release of Depression Quest, the taboo of talking about mental illness in game is starting to peel back. Anecdotally, it also seems
Not long ago, I wrote about the science behind one of the world’s first truly bionic limbs – and imagined the use of the miraculous tech for gameplay purposes. The allure of being able to control a game – or have one’s emotional state be an actual variable in gameplay – is fascinating and intoxicati
It’s one of the most common sci-fi – and video game – tropes: the fear of a hostile robot takeover. The terror that humanity’s breakneck technological race to create better machines will result in the creation of a master race that’s bigger, better, stronger, and much, much smarter than we are. It w
Logically speaking, guns don’t kill people – it’s what comes out of them that you need to watch out for. Wired just published an infographic-rich feature that examines the proliferation of ammunition in the United States, and it’s positively crazy. – – – As the nation debates, again, the best way to
It’s been said many times, many ways – but it’s true that the most interesting uses on the Kinect platform are almost never commercial games. Woodland Wiggle is not only one of the coolest – a combination art installation and play space – it’s also one of the most heartwarming. You see; it’s a perma