Danielle Riendeau

Why are women always getting kidnapped in games?

Women in games can’t seem to keep themselves from getting captured. What gives? – – – Now, a new Tumblr is collecting depictions of the many weird, wacky, and downright disturbing instances where female characters have been kidnapped in games. It goes much further than the corny good vs. evil “save

The Digital Lightbulb: the creative process and gaming’s greatest minds

There’s nothing more interesting in all of entertainment than the creative process of brilliant, talented individuals. The origins of the creative spark, the proverbial “lightbulb moment” was the focus of a recent Unwinnable feature on the inspiration that guided Stan Lee, Guillermo del Toro, and ot

Being good at Dance Central may determine your sexual prowess

Guys – speaking particularly about straight guys – your dance moves say a lot about you. A new study detailed in Science Daily shows that dudes can immediately pick up on the physical strength of other guys – just by watching them dance. “A study, led by psychologist Dr Nick Neave and researcher Kri

Queens artist turns your grandmother’s lamps into real-life Rock Band

Joe McKay is an artist who is interested in exploring and breaking the artificial barriers between “art games”, and “art that comments on games” – and he wants to bring fun and meaning to both of those worlds. His latest playable installation, Light Wave, is currently on display in Long Island Unive

You never really leave high school. Do your gaming tastes?

New York Magazine recently published a fascinating, depressing piece about the traumatizing effects of high school, based on some very new (and disturbing) research. The gist is pretty simple – since adolescent brains are still forming in a lot of important ways, the experiences we have during that