Remember Hollywood Squares, the 1990s American quiz show in which panelists—including a definitely-not-high Whoopi Goldberg—were seated in three stacked tiers, each of which contained 3 boxes? There were audience participants, sure, but Hollywood Squares was really about the interaction between the
It’s NFL draft season again, that magical time of year wherein prognosticators discuss the concussion-riddled future of young athletes for hours on end. One of the questions that invariably comes up during these interminable discussions is whether an athlete can “read the field” when he moves up fro
Unresponsive and dressed in a hospital gown, her body was found on the sidewalk in front of what is now an Aston Martin dealership. Perhaps she stepped out of the rehabilitation center next door only to collapse under the prurient stares of the Vantages and DB-something-or-others in the dealership w