
Young Saudi women demand we expand the imagined gaming community

That all sorts of people now play games is something of an article of faith, but definitions of “all sorts of people” vary. Inclusivity has a great deal to do with imagination; it requires you to imagine that people who are not your clones share common interests. The success or failure of communitie

ClusterTruck turns truck trailers into a chaotic highway

The world record for a jump by a semi truck is 166 feet, which is both too long to be jumping a truck and not very far at all once you start thinking about it. What if you’re into jumping and trucks and you want to go much, much farther. Here, then, is ClusterTruck, which you should definitely not t

In The Pedestrian, it’s the signs that’ll do the walking

The genericized male figure has escaped his perch on the bathroom sign and soon his female counterpart in the gender binary shall do the same. That’s not bad as a political statement, but how does it fare as a game? The Pedestrian, which developers Skookum Arts have slated for a mid-2016 release, tu

Formula E will be the first racing championship with driverless cars

One of the charms of NASCAR, SB Nation word wizard Spencer Hall once argued, is that “You are watching for a non-fatal but spectacular crash.” Crashes are fun—and flammable—which is great up until the point you start to care about people. Therein lies the problem with racing. The distribution of int

Secret Hitler is mercifully not a joke

“Are you Hitler?” Note, dear reader, the use of quotation marks. Even though this is the internet, where people go to say such things, I do not believe that you are actually Hitler. Rather, that is an actual question that comes up with reasonable frequency in Max Temkin’s (co-creator of Cards Agains