Cortana—everyone’s favorite blue-skinned malfunctioning AI buddy from the Halo games—has a knack for predicting World Cup soccer matches, it seems. Since Microsoft has adopted her voice as the equivalent of Siri for Windows phones, she’s carrying out all kinds of non-shooting-oriented voice commands
Over on the Metal Gear Solid 5 product page, a trio of acclaimed film directors are fawning all over Hideo Kojima. Guillermo del Toro (Pacific Rim, Pan’s Labyrinth), Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, Only God Forgives), and Chan-wook Park (Oldboy) are heaping Homeric levels of praise on the Metal Gear cr
All those morally bankrupt deeds we see in games, like being a total creep in DayZ, could actually make players more emotionally intelligent human being, believe it our not. This is according to a new study from researchers at the University at Buffalo, which shows that performing dick moves in virt
The discourse around Shovel Knight, the chivalrous and retrofitted platformer released earlier in the week for Wii U, 3DS, and Steam, is that it’s a NES game developed a few decades after the fact—very reminiscent of blasting renegade robots with Mega Man or pogo-hopping on a cane with Scrooge McDuc
Have you ever thought to yourself that shooters would be so much cooler if it actually felt like you were being shot? No, of course not, because that would involve pain and really hurt. But the KOR-FX (pronounced core-effects) delivers the experience of being sprayed with bullets painlessly, the tac