According to Freud, one of the most traumatic events in a child’s early life can be watching his mother leave. Observing one child who, following his mother’s departure, would always joyfully fling his toys far away only to reel them back in and do it all over again, Freud deduced that this “game” w
David Cage, the game developer equivalent of an ex-boyfriend who refuses to accept you’ll never love each other the same way again, announced his next title at Paris Game Week yesterday. Coming off the heels of Indigo Prophecy, a game often touted as ahead of its time, and more recently Beyond: Two
“In a lot of ways, you could call us an art collective,” says Vic Bassey, COO of Might and Delight, the creators of the naturalistic game series Shelter. “We’re a small team of extremely creative thinkers and doers with an appreciation of the arts. Be it literature, music or more contemporary forms
Great news, everyone! Unemployment is down to 5.1%, the lowest its been since 2008! The American dream is resuscitated, pumping a feeble yet confident fist up into the air. Well, except for millennials, that is, where unemployment is still at a resounding 13.8 % as of May 2015. Yeah, that’s right, i