Jess Joho

The yarn-filled trailer for Unravel is sew adorable

You might remember Yarny from E3, when he made us wonder whether all videogames would eventually get Etsy-fied. Or you might remember his creator, Martin Sahlin, who was one of the few presenters at E3 who passed our fashion police‘s standards with flying colors (well, mainly just two colors: green

Lara Croft still doesn’t know how to put a damn top on

The new Rise of the Tomb Raider footage from Gamescom has gotten a lot of attention for depicting Lara doing some pretty gruesome stuff. She uses a kitchen knife to tenderize a dude’s neck, bludgeons another bro with a bottle, then somehow accurately fires two arrows at once into as many oblivious h

Mini-documentary on Never Alone shows the power of inclusive game-making

Once in a while, a game comes along that changes what people think the medium is capable of, both inside and outside the community. Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna), known as the first Alaska Native videogame, is one of those experiences. More than just a beautiful platformer, Never Alone explores Iñ

Videogame generates worlds based on your webcam, horror ensues

We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror. — Marshall McLuhan Ian MacLarty’s Reflections inspired one of those “whoa the future is here” moments in me. I remember years ago, I felt like I was in the goddamn Jetsons the first time I ever Skyped with a person half way across the world. I