Lions are fucking awesome. These animals aren’t called king of the jungle for nothing, and it’s not hard to see why they’d instantly became status symbols to human kind, from monarchies to incestuous Game of Thrones houses alike. I mean, just look at this thing: This is a portrait of raw, unadultera
You are a seasoned Roman general in the year 31 AD. Your biceps and eight-pack glisten in the sunlight as the gods smile down upon you and promise bloody victory. Only you and your army stand between the Germanic invaders and your beautiful Roma. So you reach for your battle axe, grab a statue of Ro
The NYU Game Center’s Incubator game, Beglitched, essentially turns the seedy and terrifying underworld of hacking into the single most kawaii tile adventure you’ll ever embark upon. For example: you know those annoying emails you get in your inbox about making your penis 6 inches longer? Well, Begl
As we’ve seen in Jurassic Park, and now Jurassic World, the unstoppable force of a hungry dino can only be thwarted by one thing: cool, overly confident badassary. Whether its Sam Neill battling a car and a raptor at the same time, or Chris Pratt’s motorcycle sequence, the more outlandish your survi