Jon Irwin

Will Xbox leave game lovers behind?

With Sony planning their next console’s reveal this week and Nintendo’s hand already played, the console gaming public awaits word from Microsoft on how exactly they plan to transition beyond their high-performing Xbox 360. Two Microsoft executives spoke recently about this very subject, at the Dive

Russian meteor found-footage echoes videogames’ unpredictable innovations

It’s not every day giant space debris hurtles through the atmosphere and crash lands on our soil. But that’s what happened last week, when a meteor the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Michael Bay directed Ben Affleck soared through a Russian sky and blasted the ground near Chelyabinsk with an

Skylanders is a billion-dollar franchise. Is this the beginning or the end?

Skylanders, the evolution of the Spyro the Dragon series that merges action-figure collecting with video games, has proven to be a huge success for Activision Blizzard, a company with a stable of them already. The series’ debut in Christmas 2011 outsold all expectations; few thought a package requir

New Brain Age attempts to cultivate attention in an age of noise

The original Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! was a surprise hit for the Nintendo DS, which along with its sequel sold over 30 million copies and went a long way to convince those who never owned a gaming system before to pick one up and exercise their aging cortex. It also had a rock-s