THQ’s auctioning off of its many properties was a bittersweet moment. With renewed energy and a fresh outlook, the hope is that Company of Heroes can thrive under the SEGA company banner, while franchises like Homefront will continue to evolve under the creative direction of Crytek. Then Ubisoft swe
Monster Hunter lords over Japanese gamers like Black Diablos over a herd of cats. The influence and popularity of Capcom’s team-oriented giant-killing simulation in the east is hard to overstate. The game single-handedly kept Sony’s PSP handheld afloat against the Nintendo DS juggernaut. And its mov
You can play Ikachan for free right now. And you should play it; originally released on PC in 2000, you control a squid through a vast series of underwater caverns, exploring each dimly-lit crevice for food, battling enemies and helping out friends made along the way. It’s the work of Daisuke Amaya,
We are an impatient lot. To paraphrase Christian Slater in Kuffs, we have places to see, people to do. And 21st century entertainment is all too happy to bend to our ADD whims. Whereas a Henry James novel might take 100 pages to establish the central conflict, a modern thriller starts with a 2-page
Disney’s new venture into game/toy synergy a la Skylanders, Disney Infinity, is coming to every single dedicated game platform this summer. Andy Robertson of Family Gamer TV recently interviewed John Blackburn, Studio Head for the new Infinity project, and came away with the pricing for the stand-al