Jon Irwin

Famicom celebrates its 30th Anniversary with cheap games, thinning hair.

Thirty years ago, Nintendo released their Famicom in Japan, two years before it would come out in the west as the NES. President of Nintendo Corporate Ltd., Satoru Iwata announced that to celebrate the small system’s big anniversary, Wii U owners would be able to download one classic game a month fo

Crossover games must be stopped.

The worlds of fiction are inherently malleable. Since they exist solely in the minds of their creators, rules bend to the slightest of whims; what begins as flight of fancy can take hold and not let go. Before we know it the undead have invaded Longbourn. Dear reader, our classics are being spoiled,

There are still new games for the Wii?

With all of the hoopla over Nintendo’s generous heaping of announcements earlier this week, an upcoming game’s arrival on western shores has been shoved aside for more pressing matters, like whether Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker‘s original toon-shading looks better than the upcoming HD remake (answer:

Tetris-inspirited art gives Pajitnov’s classic new dimension

Michael Johansson is a Swedish artist concerned with putting the pieces back together. His show Still Lifes, presented at The Flat in Milan, Italy until February 23rd, consists of numerous cubes all made of suitcases, safety-deposit boxes, and giant legos. Stockholm-based online magazine designboom