Jon Irwin

Why aren’t there more sibling rivalries in the game industry?

For those sports fans among us, last weekend was either a triumphant comeuppance or a tear-soaked binge of despair. The San Francisco 49ers beat the plucky Atlanta Falcons, and the Baltimore Ravens defeated the strangely-uninspired New England Patriots. And 80% of the media coverage leading up to th

Nintendo offers new updates on Wii U including smartphone access for Miiverse

At 9:00 EST, Nintendo streamed their latest in a series of pre-recorded videos, called Nintendo Direct, an initiative they began in October 2011.  Some go in-depth into a soon-to-be-released game; some reveal upcoming details or tease future projects. Today’s was focused on their new console, the Wi

Gunman Clive returns the western, and shooter, to the small screen

Last summer, Brainy Gamer himself Michael Abbott compared the first-person shooters of today to the Westerns of the late 50s. Each surged in popularity that sustained for over a decade; each eventually saturated the market with washed-out, predictable versions of each other, until the public moved o