From the San Francisco-based engineer and artist Rama Hoetzlein:
Over the past few months we’ve written about the rise of so-called “esports”, from the “athletes”, to the regulators, to the technology that has allowed a boom in remote viewership. It’s a nascent culture, to be sure, with its own tropes and mores and beliefs, and as such it seems ripe for a well-ob
We – and many other outlets – just named an indie game as our finest of 2012. If anything, it looks like this year may bring an even richer crop of games made by small and independent studios. From the Braid followup The Witness to the years-in-the-anticipating group heist coop game Monaco, to the r
Last fall we interviewed Miriam Bellard, one half of the duo behind Seduce Me, the indie converse-and-get-perverse game that Steam yanked from Greenlight for indecency. Speaking to Bellard, I realized that the game wasn’t a cash grab or a stunt; she legitimately wants to address what they perceive a
Rami Ismail, of Super Crate Box developer Vlambeer, forecasted the impact of the Ouya to the Penny Arcade Report’s Ben Kuchera.