Joseph Bernstein

The best of #whatdoesagamedesignerlooklike

At 9:45 PM last night, Eastern Standard Time, the game developer Robin Hunicke – she of Journey fame – tweeted a picture of herself with the query: what does a game designer look like? You know the rest: a hashtag was born and a flood of game designers started snapping selfshots! So, what DO game de

The War Z no longer purchasable on Steam

The War Z, the not-so-massively multiplayer zombie game that has been pelted by accusations of false advertising and near-plagiarism of DayZ is no longer purchasable on Steam (though the game description page is still up). Earlier today, users became outraged after the apparent censorship of posts c

Please, do not watch the first five minutes of BioShock Infinite online

We’ve become a culture obsessed with getting entertainment early. VOD plays movies before they hit the theater; Chris Nolan leaks the best scenes in the Batman movies as trailers; I’ve listened to half the tracks on most albums I’m looking forward to by the time they hit Spotify. Gamers are at the v

Today, play Shadow Love, the weird and fanciful (and free) shadow puppet game

Shadow Love is not going make any end-of-year lists, it’s not going to inspire 50,000 words about issues, and it’s not going to stake a claim for Japanese indies. But this platform game, with its incredible shadow-puppet universe (in which every other thing is some sort of weird hand contortion) mig