It is an inherent fact of games that the player will identify with the play-character; the act of playing literally requires it. Perhaps, though, it’s time to realize that creating characters to identify with and characters to empathize with are two hugely different things. Maciej Szczesnik, lead ga
Kill Screen HQ is boarded up. We’ve stocked up on beans, candles, masking tape and buoyant 16-bit cartridges, and two of every animal. It’s like Tokyo Jungle, but in Brooklyn! Lots of aspirational facial hair. At any rate, the big one is almost here. And this got us thinking about bad weather in vi
While our basic insect/arthropod policy at Kill Screen is EWWWW EWWWWW KILL IT GENOCIDE, we are making an exception for the delightful new browser game Incredipede. In it, you play as a fairly uncoordinated eyeball named Quozzle with the ability to grow insect limbs, which are the levers you use to
We here at Kill Screen have had a love affair with sling shots since we first laid eyes on a plucky elf with a wedge of wood and flawless aim: Then we grew up. The slingshot made attempts sure; once I saw a forty dollar oak sligshot on the counter at a J. Crew, but it looked uncomfortable, and I fel