Joseph Bernstein

Is Bad Piggies Rovio’s first original idea?

Over at Game|Life, Ryan Ringey has some words of encouragement for Rovio, who he thinks have finally dropped their bad habit of taking extant, unpolished games and turning them into profits: Bad Piggies makes it appear as if Rovio wants to be on a different trajectory. Sure, the characters themselve

The lessons learned from remaking Half-Life

Black Mesa, the fan-made, eight-years-in-the-making update to the fourteen-year-old GOAT contender Half-Life, released earlier this month. Gamasutra talked to project lead Carlos Montero about, among other things, what they brought from Half-Life’s sequels back to the remake of the original: “We act

Resist gamer stereotypes, reject the Halo 4/Mountain Dew/Doritos tie-in

There is a moment in the seminal Simpsons espisode in which Homer gains hundreds of pounds to go on paid disability, where he is unable to fit into a movie theater seat, and the smarmy theater owner promises, if Homer will “kindly leave”, to “treat you to a garbage bag full of popcorn.” Homer is abo