The most surprising fact in The Economist’s interview with the CEO of Major League Gaming, the incomparably-named Sundance DiGiovanni? How about this: “I should point out that over 40% of our viewers have a household income over $100,000, so technically we’re a luxury brand.” DiGiovanni comes across
Makeb is a terrestrial planet with a type-1 atmosphere (breathable), and according to Wookiepedia, was invaded by the fearsome Hutt cartel during the second Galactic war. Fair enough. It’s also the only planet in Star Wars: The Old Republic, on which homosexuality exists. Yes, that’s right, BioWare
Remember Joyland? The 30 million-dollar, 600,000 square foot WoW-themed, unlicensed amusement park in Changzhou? Of course you do! Well, now that the park has been up and running for a year and a half, what does it look like? Like this! Mists of Panderia indeed!
-Redditor Beast_Pot_Pie poses the question we’ve all been too afraid to ask.
In our shared popular narrative of the console wars, it’s axiomatic that the Sega Genesis peripherals Sega CD and 32X helped rig the charges on the Sega console brand before the bungled American Saturn launch in 1995 destroyed it completely. What if that’s not true? A pretty persuasive piece at revr