Joseph Bernstein

Minecraft will clean up your crappy neighborhood

Minecraft developer Mojang announced yesterday a new project that aims to use the game as a tool to visualize urban redevelopment projects: “Block by Block” aims to involve youth in the planning process in urban areas by giving them the opportunity to show planners and decision makers how they would


Hi everyone, I’m Joe. I’m the new editor here at Kill Screen. I wanted to introduce myself, and to talk a little bit about some changes that you’ve probably noticed on the site. Ok, the first thing you should know about me is that I am a lifelong gamer. My earliest memories involve the intrusion of

This art game actually judges your body

A young woman models an elaborate dress in front of a shadowy and judgmental audience. As she contorts her body into increasingly untenable positions, the audience rewards her with their approval. If she stops, they scowl, then leave. This isn’t a description of a fashion show. It’s the premise of t

This Halo documentary made us crave actual documentaries

Earlier this week, 343i studios released a ten-minute “documentary” about their under-the-radar game project Halo 4, the story of a giant green supersoldier and the hologram that loves him. Halos 1-3 are considered hard-to-find cult classics; even on eBay copies are scarce and rumors swirl of underg