Lyndsey Edelman

The Thrill of Watching

If the cinema has insight to offer games, perhaps it lies not in storytelling, but in the act of watching. Lyndsey Edelman wonders why her transition from passive to active viewer is so underappreciated and terrifying.

Is it the no-cut that draws us in?

We have come to seen the popularization of no cutscenes in games. As opposed to film which often relies on cuts and methodical edits, this is to say that many games trend toward longer shots without interruption, particularly after 1998’s Half Life.  As art often does, a new cinematic feature aims t

The Planetarium at Play

An indie gaming collective from a basement in Queens recently took over New York’s Hayden Planetarium in the American Museum of Natural History. How does a DIY reinvention hold up against everyone’s favorite field-trip destination?