Mostafa Hossam

Alone in the Dark is still creepy in its brightly-colored remake

Today’s consoles might be a bit of hassle when compared to their predecessors. Years ago, when consoles first came out, there was no such thing as DLC, server issues, forcing players to be online in order to access a specific part of the game, or even the game itself. This might be why so many game

Trago turns drinking shots at a bar into an interactive narrative

How often do you see yourself going to a pub in the middle of the night, just to sit down, have a couple of drinks and chat with the bartender or the person sitting next to you? Well, SpaceGiraff3, a four-person team from Brazil—Alexandre Chaves, Lola Assunção, Felipe Ftezer, and Vicente Reis—decide

Upcoming war game teaches compassion by having you play as your own killer

Lots of videogames depict war, ranging from the gung-ho realism of the Call of Duty and Battlefield franchises, to the completely ridiculous Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. More often than not, these games make you believe you’re the ‘good guy’, even though you just killed a dozen ‘bad guys’ merc