Rachel Helps

Study: Two thirds of Kickstarted videogames hit delays

Selling a videogame idea on Kickstarter is a test of any studio’s marketing ability. But once a project is funded, the finished product is most backers’ main concern. UnSubject decided to look through how many videogame Kickstarters have delivered a final game. The answer so far: about a third.  It’

Collectibles and videogame sales distract us from the good times

The holidays and traditional gift-giving occasions are coming up, and soon we’ll be caught up in listing all the things we want. As a child, saving up money to buy things was one of my passions in life; getting stuff was a way to show I fit in with society and had taste. I still get excited about ne

Do games foster creativity?

The game Create claims to measure player creativity and reward you for it. But according to Eddy Léja-Six, this game measures creativity by looking at how many of the available tools players use in a given level.  The game features special challenges called “Create Chains”: the player is rewarded fo

The original Koopa: playground turtles

Paige Johnson is always looking for unusual playground motifs at her blog Playscapes. This time she’s found turtles in playground design around the world. The above picture comes from Mongolia; below is a turtle fountain from South Korea. Maybe turtles’ general harmlessness makes them a good compani