It’s time to break out your DS flash cart or emulator and play the homebrew ghost story Pokémon (Creepy) Black. You could read most of it here, but I found it far more creepy using the DS game retelling. In true ghost story tradition, the game’s gradual unfolding is part of what makes it creepy, so
Pippin Barr, the man behind Pongs and this article about sadist Pong, has made a game about playing the game Johann Sebastian Joust called Ludwig Von Beatdown. If you can’t make it to one of those artsy conventions, you can play at home! …kind of.
The game Apotheon is still in development by Alientrap for release next year, and judging from their play trailer I think I would play it for the gorgeous ancient Greek art style alone.
A business school professor at NYU predicts that, without the option to sell back a game, not as many people would buy it new. Price Charting summarizes how the study’s simulation of how the absence of a used market would impact the new game market: Because gamers who buy new games no longer have th
Even if you haven’t been sucked into the MMORPG Guild Wars 2, you can appreciate this breathtaking concept art for their Halloween update. Craig Pearson at Rock, Paper Shotgun has the details: The Shadow of the Mad King update will bring a new four-part story based around the returning trickster. Th