If you’re going to make a real-life Skyrim helmet, you’re all in, man. You might as well document the process. Volpin Props made a video showing the process. Commissioned for Dragon*Con 2012, this helmet was built to accommodate and accent the owner’s beard first and foremost. Originally the client
Simogo games, creator of Beat Sneak Bandit, is working a game called Year Walk, based on a Swedish custom of the same name. Typically a year walk had to be done on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve, during the night. Almost all variations involve having to spend a full day inside a dark room. One was
In a ridiculous smear campaign, the Republican party of Maine says that Democratic candidate running for that state’s senate is unfit for office because of her “double life” in World of Warcraft (her avatar is above). Their website against her, meant to out her online persona, highlights a few crude
There are plenty of ways to make photo flashcards for studying. But what if you wanted to tell a story with your photos? A new app called StoryBot for iOS lets parents make stories for their children: You start by taking a photo, or using photos already stored on your iPad or iPhone picture library.
Remember Canabalt, that endless-runner indie iOS hit? Developer Semi Secret is coming out with a new game for iOS called Hundreds. It’s an arithmitic puzzle game where you touch numbers that add up to 100. Touched numbers turn red, and red touching red means game over. There’s a lovely site explaini