Over at Gamasutra, a remembrance of game composer Ryu Umemoto by his friend Audun Sorlie. Umemoto died last year at the age of 37, much to the dismay of his many fans in Japan. He worked for Cave, known for their shoot ’em ups. In Japan, the name Ryu Umemoto resonates in the hearts in thousands upo
Nintendo wants you to get Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask for 3DS. They’ve even put two puzzles on their website for you to try out.
Videogames can make excellent babysitters, since they keep children occupied and entertained for long stretches of time. Of course, not every videogame is appropriate for chidren. Samuel Sattin at The Weeklings writes about trying to let a visiting 7-year-old play Uncharted 2. The child’s mother pro
Beneath a Steel Sky was a beloved and barely-played 1994 cyberpunk adventure game with an opening sequence drawn by Dave Gibbons of Watchmen fame. The team at Revolution Software had planned on making Beneath a Steel Sky 2 if it rasied a million dollars on Kickstarter, but co-founder Tony Warriner t
The free indie game First Draft puts you in the role of a banished wife of a magic-using noble. The story, told through letters you revise, recalls ye olde epistolatory novels of yore.