Rachel Helps

Navigate this site by playing Mario.

Tired of boring website layouts? This website for the East India techno-fest, Concetto, lets you play Mario to navigate between pages. Jumping to hit a block scrolls through photos of past events, and caves of pipes take you to various sub-pages. Fun for a first-time visit, but probably kind of a pa

PAUSE: Epic cross stitch of all 151 original Pokémon.

Videogame fans are growing up, and we aren’t always satisfied with a five-dollar poster anymore. While there are plenty of prints and figures for the fan with a little more money, some prove their love of videogames with long hours of labor. Eponases made this cross stitch of all original 151 Pokémo

Timeless style in SpyParty inspired by The Incredibles.

The new art style for the still-in-beta game SpyParty is a paragon of taste. SpyParty is a game where you must hide in plain sight and engage in psychological sleuthing to figure out who the other spies are.  It also involves massive amounts of meta-gaming and high-level brain manipulation on the le

Google’s Play Issue finds AR games at Disney World.

Google has been making its own trendy, well-designed publication with Think Quarterly. Designed by the Church of London, the current issue, The Play Issue, recalls another, similarly-named issue of a quarterly publication. Their article on Disney’s “Imagineering” shows former LucasArts designer Jona

Military robot walks in time to ‘Stayin’ Alive,’ terrifies us.

This bipedal robot, called PETMAN, was developed by Boston Dynamics for the US Army to test chemical protection clothing (which is often very thick, so being able to move in it is a problem). Boston Dynamics put a demonstration video on YouTube, and then Tim Trusler put it to music. It’s kind of cut