The slow food movement has been gaining popularity in the USA. Hip restaurants boast that their food is locally sourced and completely organic. Purchasing food locally can reduce gas consumption and supports the local economy. Purchasing videogames locally might not reduce gas consumption, but it p
Sesame Street has a history of creating parody music videos (like Cookie Monster’s “Share It Maybe“). Videogames are prevalent enough in popular culture that they’re deserving of Sesame Street parodies as well. After all, the target audience of Sesame Street today has always had access to things li
The Super Friendship Club, a forum for casual videogame creators, encouraged participation in a “slowjam” to make a game about rituals in two weeks. One of the resulting games by Michael Brough is called VESPER.5. In this game, you may take one step each day, and then you must wait for the next day
Academic journals are often awful about accessibility. If you don’t have access to a university library, it’s almost impossible to know what’s going on in the academic community. Fortunately, “open-source” or free, online academic journals are gaining in popularity. Mediascape, UCLA’s journal of cin
Kickstarter makes it looks easy to get funded for a project. Just put together a good enough video and people are dying to give out money! While it’s easy to see all the successfully funded projects on Kickstarter, it’s harder to find the failed projects. It makes sense not to show them to consumers