Rachel Helps

Why do RPGs turn me into a colonial overlord?

Over at Nightmare Mode, Alois Wittwer notices how the gameplay in Etrian Odyssey mirrors colonialism, down to murdering the local people. The Forest Folk are the native people of the Yggdrasil Labyrinth and the first humanoid enemies you face in the game. They don’t want you here. And, much like the

Don’t feel bad for bronze medalists. They’re happier than silver ones.

Generally, bronze medalists in the Olympics are happier than silver medalists. It might seem a little counter-intuitive at first, but thinking of “how things could have been” it seems logical: bronze medalists are happy they medaled at all, while silver medalists are ruminating about how they could

Chatbots discuss philosophy in humanless play.

Chatting to a bot is a fairly amusing game: see how it reacts to different keywords; discern if it can recognize the subjunctive. Watching two chatbots have a conversation can also be pretty funny, and some human constraints on topics can turn a mechanical conversation into a topical, algorithmic pl

3D printed arms allow 2-year-old to play.

Open-source communities have been helping each other print parts for 3D printers with 3D printers. But what can you do with a 3D printer once you have it? One family found a way to print a kind of exoskeleton for their daughter.  This super-sweet toddler, whose name is Emma, has a congenital disorde