Murder in the Dark, Mafia, Hide-and-Seek: these free-to-play games have long been part of the neglected history of street games. Ludocity is a site dedicated to real-world street and social games and houses a list of game rules and events. Some of the games on Ludocity overlap with theatre, painting
It’s fun to play with LEGO, building things and then imagining how they fit into a world. The versitility of LEGO make them great tools for psychologists, who use them to asses spatial reasoning, as play therapy for autistic children, and to help salarymen and women think creatively. David Whitebre
Over at Brainy Gamer, Michael Abbott teaches how to play Skyrim with the under-7 crowd by sharing his experience in playing the high-fantasy game with his 4-year-old daughter Zoe. Unsurprisingly, it’s a constantly-supervised activity, but with the right guidance an open-world RPG can be a great teac
ModDB, a site that gathers and distributes videogame mods, (also known as modifications, usually fan-made changes to a game’s code), celebrates its tenth anniversary. Back in 2002, before MySpace, right after Napster went under, was when ModDB was created to help organize the modding community. For
We have pretty dang good graphics in our blockbuster games. But when are we going to get a game where we can have a natural conversation with a non-player character? Emily Short, who wrote the text-based dialogue game Galatea, is interested in exploring the problem of NPC dialogue. She’s helping dev