Rachel Helps

It’s hard to make new friends after college. Can videogames help?

As we get older, it gets harder to make new friends. We hold our high school and college friends closer; making a new friend seems to take lot of time and effort. We’re less willing to befriend someone completely strange to us. The NY Times has some explanations in their article: As external conditi

Neither angels nor demons will pad my stats for Dragon Age.

There are plenty of ghosts, liches, and spectres in games set in Renaissance and Medieval times. But how did people at the time, in our world, explain things like static electricity and diabetes? Robert Burton (1577-1640), in investigating depression in his Anatomy of Melancholy, digressed into a st

3D Dictionary teaches foreign language vocabulary

Learning a foreign language often includes making a lot of flash cards and just brutally memorizing their meanings. Well, now you can brutally memorize language vocabulary in a virtual world, with visual aids! Rob Howland’s 3D Dictionary, or SanJiten, is a game where your mission is to study virtual

Browser-based Game Boy Emulator

Whether you’re catching up on classics or re-living your childhood, this browser-based Game Boy Color emulator has all the most popular games available. The only downside is that you can’t save your progress or trade any pokemon.

One Brazilian’s experience with Max Payne 3

Videogames in exotic locations like India, Japan, and Brazil have the thrill of tourism along with their other game portions. But how do locals feel? For one Brazilian, playing Max Payne felt like a way to get revenge on his muggers. Instead of feeling like a tourist, Nightmare Mode’s Fernando Corde