Rachel Helps

PAUSE: Classy 3DS cases

The Japanese accesory site, WaSaBi, has come out with a line of clear plastic 3DS cases garnished with traditional art. The result: a sophisticated, personalized look. [via TinyCartridge]

Team Fortress 2 ‘s economy allows complicated bartering.

Valve has hired economist Yanis Varoufakis, and he has a blog, where he recently looked at currency in Team Fortress 2, or rather, how people aren’t just using keys to get stuff. There’s a sophisticated bartering system, and you can actually end up with more than you started with if you trade right.

Having a Wii does not a fit person make.

Merely having active Wii games isn’t enough to increase fitness levels, and new study shows.   The study selected children ages 9 – 12 who had a body mass index above the median and who did not already own a Wii. Each household was given a Wii, with half of them assigned to a group that could choose

Girls and boys favor videogames over other toys.

What was your favorite toy when you were a child? A survey of children fifteen years ago probably wouldn’t have included computers as toys. But these days, “toy” and “electronic gadget” are sharing a lot of territory. Both girls and boys prefer virtual toys and games to physical ones.  Adrian Voce O

Gravity Rush: Not So Novel

Gravity Rush, a new game for the PlayStation Vita in which you control the direction of gravity, reads like a Murakami novel. But beneath its steampunk architecture and magic tricks, it plays in an all-too-familiar way.