The Japanese accesory site, WaSaBi, has come out with a line of clear plastic 3DS cases garnished with traditional art. The result: a sophisticated, personalized look. [via TinyCartridge]
Valve has hired economist Yanis Varoufakis, and he has a blog, where he recently looked at currency in Team Fortress 2, or rather, how people aren’t just using keys to get stuff. There’s a sophisticated bartering system, and you can actually end up with more than you started with if you trade right.
Merely having active Wii games isn’t enough to increase fitness levels, and new study shows. The study selected children ages 9 – 12 who had a body mass index above the median and who did not already own a Wii. Each household was given a Wii, with half of them assigned to a group that could choose
What was your favorite toy when you were a child? A survey of children fifteen years ago probably wouldn’t have included computers as toys. But these days, “toy” and “electronic gadget” are sharing a lot of territory. Both girls and boys prefer virtual toys and games to physical ones. Adrian Voce O
Gravity Rush, a new game for the PlayStation Vita in which you control the direction of gravity, reads like a Murakami novel. But beneath its steampunk architecture and magic tricks, it plays in an all-too-familiar way.