Rachel Helps

Kids weigh in on the videogames as art debate.

The Smithsonian exhibit on videogames renewed some of the discussion about what art means. For some kids visiting the exhibit, the discussion helped them to think critically, perhaps for their first time, about what it means for something to be art or not. One precocious ten-year-old, Ryan Puthumana

How is the Kinect changing our non-gaming lives?

Microsoft developed the Kinect with video games in mind, but hackers and hobbists had other ideas. When the Kinect was first released, Adafruit, a New York electronics company, offered $3,000 for whoever could crack the PC drivers first. The incentive worked and immediately after the open source Kin

PAUSE: Muhammad Ali vs. Ryu

Italian street artist Combo playfully combines real-life celebrities with cartoon ones in the streets of Paris. One of his most recent works shows Muhammad Ali taking down Street Fighter‘s Ryu. Which one would win in a real fight? We’ll leave it to the fanpeeps to settle that one. Also, it’s unclear