Teddy Papes

FAA may remove in-flight restriction on electronic devices

I am 33.23 seconds into Hexagonest. It’s far and away my best performace in Super Hexagon. I’m spinning in circles and line are flying at me from every direction. I’m tapping furiously and nothing seems like it can contain me. I am playing like an absolute hero. I wish somebody was watching because

Dark Souls 2 is coming and though I am glad, I am not excited

Dark Souls 2 has been announced. I thought I would have been giddy with excitement, but I’m not. I love Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls. They are some of the best games ever made, but playing one is an ordeal. I would hyperbolically equate it to climbing Mount Everest: worth it in every respect and a p

A father lends a helping hand to his learning-disabled daughter: a videogame

A lot has been said about games ability to grab our attention. For some they can be a little too effective in this regard (ahem). But if you have a disability, or learning issues, it may be the only medium that you can really plug into, as it were. A step-father made a videogame with some educationa

Despite sales trends, are videogames getting really, really good?

2012 is almost over and while the “best of” videogame lists are soon to come a reflection on the general trends of the medium are in order. Michael Abbot: The games of 2012 suggest that designers are discovering and exploiting more channels of communication with players. In the past, these efforts h

What makes developers tick?

I missed this Edge gem from a while back. It has blurbs from 18 developers about why they make games. Some are a little romantic, but I can’t help but to get excited about games when I read them. Here is one from Ken Levine: I make videogames because it’s difficult. We’re still figuring out how they