Teddy Papes

"What’s a Wii U?" asks Michelle Obama. Nintendo answers

What’s a Wii U? That’s a good question. Considering it has essentially the same name as the Wii and we haven’t marketed it well at all, you are not unlike a whole lotta people. When Christmas comes around, there are going to be a bunch of confused parents, clearly you among them, but then doesn’t th

Intermittent releases are the secret to GTA’s success

When the Grand Theft Auto V trailer was about to drop, there were Tweets from news outlets counting down until the moment they were free to air it. Game Informer had the first texclusive piece about the game, and outlets milked it for every morsel they could find. The series just surpassed 125 milli

Wii U’re on your own: transferring data from the Wii to the new console

If you own a Wii and would like to move your system data to a Wii U, you are in for a real treat. Your purchased classic games, downloaded software and saved data for each must be transferred in an unneccessarily complicated process.  – – – Moving content from an old Wii to a new Wii U could have be

Are videogames part of the real world?

Videogames are often juxtaposed with reality. Even among those who endorse them, games are considered respite for those who want to check out of the day-to-day. When we say things like this, we are essentially reducing gaming to an inferior category of existence as compared to “real life”: it is tim

Concerns over sexism in videogames are taken to Twitter

If you have a Twitter and go anywhere near news about games, you’ll probably have seen that the past 24 hours have been host to a flurry of Tweets about sexism in the gaming industry. They are hashtagged #1reasonwhy, as in the reason why I don’t feel accepted, feel harassed or feel the industry has