Yannick Lejacq

Loot and Libraries

What games and players can learn from System Shock 2, and why the most effective videogame story may be an incomplete one.

Twitter takes a stand on intellectual property.

Yesterday, Twitter took a bold step into the contentious world of software patents and intellectual property with its “Innovators Patent Agreement” (the other IPA), which the company’s VP of engineering described as an effort to keep “control in the hands of engineers and designers.” Rebecca Rosen e

"Draw Something" steadily becomes "Draw Something Famous."

Given Zynga’s reputation in the game community, everybody was curious what would happen with the phenomenon of “Draw Something” following its sudden acquisition by the social gaming giant. Would it simply become “Draw Something with Friends?” or, I suppose, the simply title “Drawing with Friends?” I

PAUSE: Your car as a videogame commercial.

tk Pong may be one of the older videogames ever created, but the German agency BBDO certainly found a way to bring the game up to date. Tasked with showing that the Smart Fortwo electric drive was not only green but also fun, the company created this massive version of pong called “eBall” to showcas