Continuing in the long line of creative applications of the Microsoft Kinect, researchers are developing a new medical application for the device: As part of an experiment at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development, Sapiro and Papanikolopoulos set up a series of five Microsoft K
Tuesday in bullet-point form: Portal 2 sales topped 4 million. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD is coming this June. Alan Wake’s American Nightmare is coming to Steam. Check out this new Assassin’s Creed 3 trailer. Starhawk is here. That’s all for now! See you on the morrow.
video Like any self-respecting Blizzard game, Diablo IIIhas a massive amount of lore traditionally left out of the primary gameplay experience. To get some of the backstory of how Tristram got embroiled in this whole mess with the devil, check out this wonderful short film from Titmouse, the animati
Why are playgrounds still so important in the digital age? We talk with some of New York’s leading playground architects and designers about their work and the past and future impact of public play on urban space.