Yannick Lejacq

A new facebook game helps prevent the spread of STDs.

A new Facebook game is taking a stab at promoting healthy sexual behavior, The Huffington Post Gay Voices blog reports:  A new Facebook game is taking a socially-conscious look at the sex lives of gay and bisexual men, promoting the idea that the more men you have sex with, the more frequently you s

Does history have a future in the digital age?

A few weeks back, I wrote about how videogames are informing and changing our conception of history and the way we experience its most important tool: the archive. A more pressing question might be how the literal construction of history is beginning to change as more of our collective experience en

Is being cool always the most important thing?

We here at Kill Screen obviously spend a lot of time making sure all things videogame-related that we discuss pass a necessary coolness factor (taste-makers that we are). But is coolness always the most important cultural standard to which we ought to repair? John Cassidy takes a look President Obam

Are movie theaters going the way of arcades? Not if this guy can help it.

Apparently these days movie theaters only use fifteen percent of their total capacity, according to this recent Vulture post. Given changing models in distribution and marketing for film and television, are movie theaters doomed to become a piece of collective cultural nostalgia like the arcade room