Badblood beckons you to the hunt with its stylish new trailer

The battles in Badblood are ones of wit and wariness.
Like Manhunt meets hide-and-seek, two trained killers sneak around in a field, hunting and fleeing from the other as the screen orientation constantly shifts to mask their movements. It’ll take strong spatial awareness and alertness to find your foe in the blood-stained meadows of Winnie Song’s two-player stealth game and that’s what makes it such an interesting entry in the local multiplayer space.
Check out its new trailer below.
The most striking thing about Badblood, besides its sharp, stylish anti-heroes, is the way it creates a language from its violence.
It’s a necessity for any competitive local multiplayer to do so, but the tense lead-ups and mind games of Badblood‘s structure has the potential to make that language an extremely thrilling one that I can’t wait to master.
Learn more about Badblood in our interview with Winnie Song and its official website. It’s also on Steam Greenlight.