Cheat Sheet 3/27: Robert Bowling leaves Activision, Another BioShock enemy, and Rovio moving forward
Here’s today’s wrap up of mainstream gaming news:
– Activision’s Creative Strategist Robert Bowling, also known as “fourzerotwo” has resigned from his position.
– The BioShock: Infinite team has revealed yet another of the big bad guys: The Siren. In other news, the movie has once again been put on hold after director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo left the project.
– Rovio, the developer of Angry Birds has acquired Futuremark Game Studios.
– Interestingly, the iPad version of Baldur’s Gate will be less than 10 dollars.
– Some more DLC for Gears of War 3 has launched today bringing the game some very nice environments in some brand new maps.
And that’s it for today, check back tomorrow!