Chocolate skulls on Etsy render your cranium delicious

Chocolate skulls on Etsy render your cranium delicious

Although it may not feel like it, Autumn is around the corner. And with the nip in the air that October brings, is also the realization that Halloween is coming up. For those who love to carve their pumpkins and strewn their porches with fake cobwebs, they can add a new decoration this year: a chocolate skull molded from a real human cranium.

The life-sized skull, created by Etsy seller Black Chocolate Co. is made out of 100% Belgian chocolate, using a mold cast from a human skull, making the chocolate entirely anatomically correct. The sellers mention on their page that the item makes the perfect Halloween gift (kind of like a creepier version of chocolate eggs for Easter), but it also will last as a piece of artwork to sit on the mantle. Says the Etsy site:

[It] will be edible for up to 6 months when kept in a cool, dry area. If you just want to display it, it will practically keep forever (we have one kept in a glass box on our book case).

Indeed, one reviewer of the product agreed with that statement, saying they couldn’t bear to eat it because of the beauty and craftmanship, so now it sits “under a glass dome next to our mummified bat”.

Black Chocolate Co. offer up the skulls in dark, milk, chilli and caramel chocolates. Each skull is handcast, showing different characteristics of the mold. They are then finished with a dusting of fine cocoa powder.

It is a skull worthy of a Hamlet monologue – but the question becomes, to eat or not to eat?

Black Chocolate Co.

This post was originally written by Daniela Walker for PSFK.