Consensus: The iOS Final Fantasy is an untrammeled turd monster

Let’s be honest: Square Enix has been treating Final Fantasy like Spielberg and Lucas treated Indy Jones (that’s South Park so, NSFW) for awhile now. And things aren’t looking up. Have you seen the trailer for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XII? Lorda’mercy it looks bad.

Wow. So, even worse than the Assassin’s Creed-Bioshock Infinite-Final Fantasy mashup that no one asked for, is the new Square iOS Final Fantasy, All the Bravest. Everyone hates it. The best vituperation comes from Ben Kuchera at the PA Report, who absolutely lays into the game:

It’s important to remember that Final Fantasy: All The Bravest costs $3.99 to buy for iOS devices. This is a premium game, not free-to-play, although the game contains some of the most heinous monetization practices I’ve ever seen on any device…This is garbage.

Remember, the first Final Fantasy was supposed to be a swan song for its creators; they though they were never going to have a successful game. I think that’s the mantra that needs to be posted at Square Enix HQ: treat every Final Fantasy like it could be the last. But then, they already seem to be sprinting down that path.