The dance marathon of video games raises over $1.5 million

Extra Life is a nonprofit that holds an annual 24 hour gaming marathon for charity. With the help of Twitch, a gaming entertainment service, they have set a fundraising record.
The Twitch community has managed to raise more than $1.5 million for the Extra Life 2012 charity, which is set to see thousands of gamers partake in day-long marathon gaming sessions to earn money put up by thousands of sponsors. The fund goes to hospitals that are part of the Children’s Miracle Network.
Twitch heavily promotes the use of its services as a way for gamers to view live gaming events including tournaments, live video game playthroughs, and more. Their mission statement is to turn gaming into a “spectator sport.” The service pushed its 20 million members to donate through a video appeal that proved to be quite effective, judging by the $1.5 million in pledges already made.